August 30, 2010

Eason Chan: Repeat Offender

Hong Kong tries to make up for its lack of vibrant gay culture and strict drug possession laws with popstar Eason Chan - a singing dancing one man carnival cum demon overlord/ 7th level of hell gatekeeper. Hong Kongers  love to emulate his ... um ... stuff.

When it stops raining and the sun comes out - a raincoat that doubles as a pair of curtains.

Preserve those wedding memories - this bridal gown is made from mothballs.

Still can't keep the moths at bay? dress up as a king moth.

The Bird Has the Final Word!

If Big Bird (of Sesame Street fame) could design clothing, would it look something like the contents of Eason Chan's wardrobe?

Let's interview this teleportation-experiment-gone-awry to find out:

Me: So what were you thinking (when you designed Eason Chan's outfits)?
Big Bird: When I design clothing, first and foremost, I like to think what would look good on me.

And there is your answer.

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